Gangster Disciples

The Gangster Disciples are primarily an African American street gang formed by Larry Hoover in South Side, Chicago, Illinois in 1968.

Gangster Disciples History

Originally, Larry Hoover, leader of the Supreme Gangsters and David Barksdale, leader of the Black Disciples united to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN).

Larry Hoover, Co-Founder of the Gangster Disciples

Hoover, along with David Barksdale, formed what is now the Gangster Disciples or GD’s.

Consequently, after being incarcerated for a murder in 1995, after a 17-year undercover investigation by the Federal Government, Hoover was convicted of drug conspiracy, extortion, and continuing to engage in a criminal enterprise under the RICO act.

Currently, Larry Hoover is serving six life sentences at the ADX Florence Supermax Prison in Florence, Colorado.

Larry Hoover

Colors and Symbols

Interestingly, GD’s show their affiliation by wearing blue and black. The six-pointed Star of David along with two pitchforks or rakes are also used.

Famous Gangster Disciples

Famous Black Disciple Rappers

Unfortunately, many rappers and artists from South Side, Chicago, Illinois join street gangs at a very young age in order to protect themselves.

Sadly, many of the famous rappers and artists that claim GD are incarcerated or deceased.

Additionally, many GD’s are a faction called Fly Boy Gang and Bricksquad 069.

Gangster Disciple rappers and artists: